Usage of gentool: -c string config file path -db string input mysql or postgres or sqlite or sqlserver. consult[] (default "mysql") -dsn string consult[] -fieldNullable generate with pointer when field is nullable -fieldWithIndexTag generate field with gorm index tag -fieldWithTypeTag generate field with gorm column type tag -modelPkgName string generated model code's package name -outFile string query code file name, default: gen.go -outPath string specify a directory for output (default "./dao/query") -tables string enter the required data table or leave it blank -onlyModel only generate models (without query file) -withUnitTest generate unit test for query code -fieldSignable detect integer field's unsigned type, adjust generated data type
version:"0.1" database: # consult[]" dsn :"username:password@tcp(address:port)/db?charset=utf8mb4&parseTime=true&loc=Local" # input mysql or postgres or sqlite or sqlserver. consult[] db :"mysql" # enter the required data table or leave it blank.You can input : orders,users,goods tables :"user" # specify a directory for output outPath :"./dao/query" # query code file name, default: gen.go outFile :"" # generate unit test for query code withUnitTest :false # generated model code's package name modelPkgName :"" # generate with pointer when field is nullable fieldNullable :false # generate field with gorm index tag fieldWithIndexTag :false # generate field with gorm column type tag fieldWithTypeTag :false