Database To Structs

Быстрый старт

Gen поддерживает создание структур из баз данных в соответствии с конвенциями GORM, он может использоваться так:

package main

import ""

func main() {
g := gen.NewGenerator(gen.Config{
OutPath: "../query",
Mode: gen.WithoutContext|gen.WithDefaultQuery|gen.WithQueryInterface, // generate mode

// gormdb, _ := gorm.Open(mysql.Open("root:@("))
g.UseDB(gormdb) // reuse your gorm db

// Generate basic type-safe DAO API for struct `model.User` following conventions

// Generate struct `User` based on table `users`

// Generate struct `Employee` based on table `users`
g.GenerateModelAs("users", "Employee"),

// Generate struct `User` based on table `users` and generating options
g.GenerateModel("users", gen.FieldIgnore("address"), gen.FieldType("id", "int64")),

// Generate struct `Customer` based on table `customer` and generating options
// customer table may have a tags column, it can be JSON type, gorm/gen tool can generate for your JSON data type
g.GenerateModel("customer", gen.FieldType("tags", "datatypes.JSON")),

// Generate structs from all tables of current database
// Generate the code

Шаблон методов

При генерации структур из базы данных можно также создавать методы с шаблоном для них кстати, например:

type CommonMethod struct {
ID int32
Name *string

func (m *CommonMethod) IsEmpty() bool {
if m == nil {
return true
return m.ID == 0

func (m *CommonMethod) GetName() string {
if m == nil || m.Name == nil {
return ""
return *m.Name

// Add IsEmpty method to the generated `People` struct
g.GenerateModel("people", gen.WithMethod(CommonMethod{}.IsEmpty))

// Add all methods defined on `CommonMethod` to the generated `User` struct
g.GenerateModel("user", gen.WithMethod(CommonMethod{}))

Обновленный код должен выглядеть следующим образом:

// Полученная структура  Persone
тип Person struct {
// ...

func (m *Person) IsEmpty() bool {
if m == nil {
return true
return m.ID == 0

// Generated User struct
type User struct {
// ...

func (m *User) IsEmpty() bool {
if m == nil {
return true
return m.ID == 0

func (m *User) GetName() string {
if m == nil || m.Name == nil {
return ""
return *m.Name

DIY TableName

When generating structs from database, you can also diy table name for them by the way, for example:

type CommonMethod struct {
ID int32
Name *string

// TableName
func (m CommonMethod) TableName() string {
return "@@table"

// TableName table name with gorm NamingStrategy
func (m CommonMethod) TableName(namer schema.Namer) string {
if namer == nil {
return "@@table"
return namer.TableName("@@table")

// DIY TableName method for the generated `User` struct
g.GenerateModel("user", gen.WithMethod(CommonMethod{}.TableName))

// DIY TableName method for the generated all struct

// Set Default DIY TableName method for the generated all struct

Field Options

Following are options that can be used during GenerateModel/GenerateModelAs

FieldNew           // create new a field
FieldIgnore // ignore field
FieldIgnoreReg // ignore field (match with regexp)
FieldRename // rename field in the struct
FieldComment // specify field comment in generated struct
FieldType // specify the field type
FieldTypeReg // specify field type (match with regexp)
FieldGenType // specify field gen type
FieldGenTypeReg // specify field gen type (match with regexp)
FieldTag // specify gorm and json tag
FieldJSONTag // specify json tag
FieldJSONTagWithNS // specify json tag with name strategy
FieldGORMTag // specify gorm tag
FieldNewTag // append new tag
FieldNewTagWithNS // specify the new tag with name strategy
FieldTrimPrefix // trim column prefix
FieldTrimSuffix // trim column suffix
FieldAddPrefix // add the prefix to struct field's name
FieldAddSuffix // add the suffix to struct field's name
FieldRelate // specify relationship with other tables
FieldRelateModel // specify the relationship with existing models

Global Generating Options

Gen has some global options that could be setup in the gen.Config, here is the list:

g := gen.NewGenerator(gen.Config{
// if you want the nullable field generation property to be pointer type, set FieldNullable true
FieldNullable: true,
// if you want to assign field which has a default value in the `Create` API, set FieldCoverable true, reference:
FieldCoverable: true,
// if you want to generate field with unsigned integer type, set FieldSignable true
FieldSignable: true,
// if you want to generate index tags from database, set FieldWithIndexTag true
FieldWithIndexTag: true,
// if you want to generate type tags from database, set FieldWithTypeTag true
FieldWithTypeTag: true,
// if you need unit tests for query code, set WithUnitTest true
WithUnitTest: true,
// WithDbNameOpts set get database name function
WithDbNameOpts(opts ...model.SchemaNameOpt)

// WithTableNameStrategy specify table name naming strategy, only work when syncing table from db
WithTableNameStrategy(ns func(tableName string) (targetTableName string))

// WithModelNameStrategy specify model struct name naming strategy, only work when syncing table from db
// If an empty string is returned, the table will be ignored
WithModelNameStrategy(ns func(tableName string) (modelName string))

// WithFileNameStrategy specify file name naming strategy, only work when syncing table from db
WithFileNameStrategy(ns func(tableName string) (fileName string))

// WithJSONTagNameStrategy specify json tag naming strategy
WithJSONTagNameStrategy(ns func(columnName string) (tagContent string))

// WithDataTypeMap specify data type mapping relationship, only work when syncing table from db
WithDataTypeMap(newMap map[string]func(gorm.ColumnType) (dataType string))

// WithImportPkgPath specify import package path
WithImportPkgPath(paths ...string)

// WithOpts specify global model options
WithOpts(opts ...ModelOpt)

Data Mapping

Specify datatype mapping between field type and db column type.

var dataMap = map[string]func(gorm.ColumnType) (dataType string){
// int mapping
"int": func(columnType gorm.ColumnType) (dataType string) {
if n, ok := columnType.Nullable(); ok && n {
return "*int32"
return "int32"

// bool mapping
"tinyint": func(columnType gorm.ColumnType) (dataType string) {
ct, _ := columnType.ColumnType()
if strings.HasPrefix(ct, "tinyint(1)") {
return "bool"
return "byte"


Generate From Sql

Gen supports generate structs from sql following GORM conventions, it can be used like:

package main

import (

func main() {
g := gen.NewGenerator(gen.Config{
OutPath: "../query",
Mode: gen.WithoutContext|gen.WithDefaultQuery|gen.WithQueryInterface, // generate mode
gormdb, _ := gorm.Open(rawsql.New(rawsql.Config{
//SQL: rawsql, //create table sql
FilePath: []string{
//"./sql/user.sql", // create table sql file
"./test_sql", // create table sql file directory
g.UseDB(gormdb) // reuse your gorm db

// Generate basic type-safe DAO API for struct `model.User` following conventions

// Generate struct `User` based on table `users`

// Generate struct `Employee` based on table `users`
g.GenerateModelAs("users", "Employee"),

// Generate structs from all tables of current database
// Generate the code

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