Annotation Syntax

Annotations are comments at interface’s methods, Gen will parse them and generate the query API for the applied structs.

Gen provies some conventions for dynamic conditionally SQL support, let us introduce them from three aspects:

  • Returning Results
  • Template Placeholder
  • Template Expression

Returning Results

Gen allows to configure returning result type, it supports following four basic types for now

Option Description
gen.T returns struct
gen.M returns map
gen.RowsAffected returns rowsAffected returned from database (type: int64)
error returns error if any


type Querier interface {
// SELECT * FROM @@table WHERE id=@id
GetByID(id int) (gen.T, error) // returns struct and error

// SELECT * FROM @@table WHERE id=@id
GetByID(id int) gen.T // returns data as struct

// SELECT * FROM @@table WHERE id=@id
GetByID(id int) (gen.M, error) // returns map and error

// INSERT INTO @@table (name, age) VALUES (@name, @age)
InsertValue(name string, age int) (gen.RowsAffected, error) // returns affected rows count and error

These basic types can be combined with other symbols like *, [], for example:

type Querier interface {
// SELECT * FROM @@table WHERE id=@id
GetByID(id int) (*gen.T, error) // returns data as pointer and error

// SELECT * FROM @@table WHERE id=@id
GetByID(id int) (*[]gen.T, error) // returns data as pointer of slice and error

// SELECT * FROM @@table WHERE id=@id
GetByID(id int) ([]*gen.T, error) // returns data as slice of pointer and error

// SELECT * FROM @@table WHERE id=@id
GetByID(id int) ([]gen.M, error) // returns data as slice of map and error

Template Placeholder

Gen provides some placeholders to generate dynamic & safe SQL

Name Description
@@table escaped & quoted table name
@@<name> escaped & quoted table/column name from params
@<name> SQL query params from params


type Filter interface {
// SELECT * FROM @@table WHERE @@column=@value
FilterWithColumn(column string, value string) (gen.T, error)

// Apply the `Filter` interface to `User`, `Company`
g.ApplyInterface(func(Filter) {}, model.User{}, model.Company{})

After generate the code, you can use it like this in your application.

import "your_project/query"

func main() {
user, err := query.User.FilterWithColumn("name", "jinzhu")
// similar like db.Exec("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `name` = ?", "jinzhu")

company, err := query.Company.FilterWithColumn("name", "tiktok")
// similar like db.Exec("SELECT * FROM `companies` WHERE `name` = ?", "tiktok")

Template Expression

Gen provides powerful expressions support for dynamic conditional SQL, currently support following expressions:

  • if/else
  • where
  • set
  • for


The if/else expression allows to use golang syntax as condition, it can be written like:

{{if cond1}}
// do something here
{{else if cond2}}
// do something here
// do something here

For example:

type Querier interface {
// {{if name !=""}}
// username=@name AND
// {{end}}
// role="admin"
QueryWith(name string) (gen.T,error)

A more complicated case:

type Querier interface {
// SELECT * FROM users
// {{if user != nil}}
// {{if user.ID > 0}}
// WHERE id=@user.ID
// {{else if user.Name != ""}}
// WHERE username=@user.Name
// {{end}}
// {{end}}
QueryWith(user *gen.T) (gen.T, error)

How it can be used:

query.User.QueryWith(&User{Name: "zhangqiang"})
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE username="zhangqiang"


The where expression make you write the WHERE clause for the SQL query easier, let take a simple case as example:

type Querier interface {
// SELECT * FROM @@table
// {{where}}
// id=@id
// {{end}}
Query(id int) gen.T

With the generated code, you can use it like:

// SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=10

Here is another complicated case, in this case, you will learn the WHERE clause only be inserted if there are any children expressions matched and it can smartly trim uncessary and, or, xor, , inside the where clause.

type Querier interface {
// SELECT * FROM @@table
// {{where}}
// {{if !start.IsZero()}}
// created_time > @start
// {{end}}
// {{if !end.IsZero()}}
// AND created_time < @end
// {{end}}
// {{end}}
FilterWithTime(start, end time.Time) ([]gen.T, error)

The generated code can be used like:

var (
since = time.Date(2022, 10, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
end = time.Date(2022, 10, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
zero = time.Time{}

query.User.FilterWithTime(since, end)
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE created_time > "2022-10-01" AND created_time < "2022-10-10"

query.User.FilterWithTime(since, zero)
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE created_time > "2022-10-01"

query.User.FilterWithTime(zero, end)
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE created_time < "2022-10-10"

query.User.FilterWithTime(zero, zero)
// SELECT * FROM `users`


The set expression used to generate the SET clause for the SQL query, it will trim uncessary , automatically, for example:

// UPDATE @@table
// {{set}}
// {{if user.Name != ""}} username=@user.Name, {{end}}
// {{if user.Age > 0}} age=@user.Age, {{end}}
// {{if user.Age >= 18}} is_adult=1 {{else}} is_adult=0 {{end}}
// {{end}}
// WHERE id=@id
Update(user gen.T, id int) (gen.RowsAffected, error)

The generated code can be used like:

query.User.Update(User{Name: "jinzhu", Age: 18}, 10)
// UPDATE users SET username="jinzhu", age=18, is_adult=1 WHERE id=10

query.User.Update(User{Name: "jinzhu", Age: 0}, 10)
// UPDATE users SET username="jinzhu", is_adult=0 WHERE id=10

query.User.Update(User{Age: 0}, 10)
// UPDATE users SET is_adult=0 WHERE id=10


The for expression iterates over a slice to generate the SQL, let’s explain by example

// SELECT * FROM @@table
// {{where}}
// {{for _,user:=range users}}
// {{if user.Name !="" && user.Age >0}}
// (username = @user.Name AND age=@user.Age AND role LIKE concat("%",@user.Role,"%")) OR
// {{end}}
// {{end}}
// {{end}}
Filter(users []gen.T) ([]gen.T, error)


{Name: "jinzhu", Age: 18, Role: "admin"},
{Name: "zhangqiang", Age: 18, Role: "admin"},
{Name: "modi", Age: 18, Role: "admin"},
{Name: "songyuan", Age: 18, Role: "admin"},
// (username = "jinzhu" AND age=18 AND role LIKE concat("%","admin","%")) OR
// (username = "zhangqiang" AND age=18 AND role LIKE concat("%","admin","%"))
// (username = "modi" AND age=18 AND role LIKE concat("%","admin","%")) OR
// (username = "songyuan" AND age=18 AND role LIKE concat("%","admin","%"))

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