Connecting to a Database

GORM officially supports the databases MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server, and TiDB


import (

func main() {
// refer for details
dsn := "user:pass@tcp("
db, err := gorm.Open(mysql.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{})

CATATAN , untuk menangani time.Time correctly, you need to include parseTime sebagai parameter (more parameters) untuk sepenuhnya mendukung penulisan (pengkodean) UTF-8 kamu perlu mengubah charset=utf8 to charset=utf8mb4. lihat artikel ini unutk penjelasan lebih rinci

MySQL Driver provides a few advanced configurations which can be used during initialization, for example:

db, err := gorm.Open(mysql.New(mysql.Config{
DSN: "gorm:gorm@tcp(", // data source name
DefaultStringSize: 256, // default size for string fields
DisableDatetimePrecision: true, // disable datetime precision, which not supported before MySQL 5.6
DontSupportRenameIndex: true, // drop & create when rename index, rename index not supported before MySQL 5.7, MariaDB
DontSupportRenameColumn: true, // `change` when rename column, rename column not supported before MySQL 8, MariaDB
SkipInitializeWithVersion: false, // auto configure based on currently MySQL version
}), &gorm.Config{})

Customize Driver

GORM allows to customize the MySQL driver with the DriverName option, for example:

import (
_ ""

db, err := gorm.Open(mysql.New(mysql.Config{
DriverName: "my_mysql_driver",
DSN: "gorm:gorm@tcp(localhost:9910)/gorm?charset=utf8&parseTime=True&loc=Local", // data source name, refer
}), &gorm.Config{})

Existing database connection

GORM allows to initialize *gorm.DB with an existing database connection

import (

sqlDB, err := sql.Open("mysql", "mydb_dsn")
gormDB, err := gorm.Open(mysql.New(mysql.Config{
Conn: sqlDB,
}), &gorm.Config{})


import (

dsn := "host=localhost user=gorm password=gorm dbname=gorm port=9920 sslmode=disable TimeZone=Asia/Shanghai"
db, err := gorm.Open(postgres.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{})

kita menggunakan pgx sebagai database Postgres’s/sql driver , memungkinkan menyiapkan cache secara default, unutk menonaktikannya :

db, err := gorm.Open(postgres.New(postgres.Config{
DSN: "user=gorm password=gorm dbname=gorm port=9920 sslmode=disable TimeZone=Asia/Shanghai",
PreferSimpleProtocol: true, // disables implicit prepared statement usage
}), &gorm.Config{})

Customize Driver

GORM allows to customize the PostgreSQL driver with the DriverName option, for example:

import (
_ ""

db, err := gorm.Open(postgres.New(postgres.Config{
DriverName: "cloudsqlpostgres",
DSN: "host=project:region:instance user=postgres dbname=postgres password=password sslmode=disable",

Existing database connection

GORM mengijinkan untuk inialisasi *gorm.DB dengan koneksi database yang sudah ada

import (

sqlDB, err := sql.Open("pgx", "mydb_dsn")
gormDB, err := gorm.Open(postgres.New(postgres.Config{
Conn: sqlDB,
}), &gorm.Config{})


import (
"" // Sqlite driver based on CGO
// "" // Pure go SQLite driver, checkout for details

db, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open("gorm.db"), &gorm.Config{})

Catatan: kamu bisa menggunakan file::memory:?cache=shared alih alih jalur dari folder ke file hal ini akan memberitahu SQL Lite untuk menggunakan database sementara dalam sistem memory (See SQLite docs for this)

SQL Server

import (

dsn := "sqlserver://gorm:LoremIpsum86@localhost:9930?database=gorm"
db, err := gorm.Open(sqlserver.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{})


TiDB is compatible with MySQL protocol. You can follow the MySQL part to create a connection to TiDB.

There are some points noteworthy for TiDB:

  • You can use gorm:"primaryKey;default:auto_random()" tag to use AUTO_RANDOM feature for TiDB.
  • TiDB supported SAVEPOINT from v6.2.0, please notice the version of TiDB when you use this feature.
  • TiDB supported FOREIGN KEY from v6.6.0, please notice the version of TiDB when you use this feature.
import (

type Product struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primaryKey;default:auto_random()"`
Code string
Price uint

func main() {
db, err := gorm.Open(mysql.Open("root:@tcp("), &gorm.Config{})
if err != nil {
panic("failed to connect database")


insertProduct := &Product{Code: "D42", Price: 100}

fmt.Printf("insert ID: %d, Code: %s, Price: %d\n",
insertProduct.ID, insertProduct.Code, insertProduct.Price)

readProduct := &Product{}
db.First(&readProduct, "code = ?", "D42") // find product with code D42

fmt.Printf("read ID: %d, Code: %s, Price: %d\n",
readProduct.ID, readProduct.Code, readProduct.Price)


import (

func main() {
dsn := "tcp://localhost:9000?database=gorm&username=gorm&password=gorm&read_timeout=10&write_timeout=20"
db, err := gorm.Open(clickhouse.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{})

// Auto Migrate
// Set table options
db.Set("gorm:table_options", "ENGINE=Distributed(cluster, default, hits)").AutoMigrate(&User{})

// Insert

// Select
db.Find(&user, "id = ?", 10)

// Batch Insert
var users = []User{user1, user2, user3}
// ...

Connection Pool

GORM using database/sql to maintain connection pool

sqlDB, err := db.DB()

// SetMaxIdleConns sets the maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool.

// SetMaxOpenConns sets the maximum number of open connections to the database.

// SetConnMaxLifetime sets the maximum amount of time a connection may be reused.

Refer Generic Interface for details

Unsupported Databases

Some databases may be compatible with the mysql or postgres dialect, in which case you could just use the dialect for those databases.

For others, you are encouraged to make a driver, pull request welcome!

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